Sign of the Spanish word “Conciencia,” meaning awareness in English, seen on a recent walk through a local park in Paraguay. Image owned by Natali Martinez.

Resolutions don’t work if the what doesn’t match the who.

During the beginning of a new year, there tends to be a laser focus on what goals to achieve, milestones to reach, and habits to change or acquire that will support those processes.

However, it takes more than putting together a list of things you want to do. You need to get “under the hood” (a phrase I use often) to ensure that what you seek to attain aligns with who you are.

What happens if I don’t?

You’ll dread the process. Even if you are disciplined and consistent, you won’t find what you’re doing purposeful or fulfilling.

I’ve been there and I noticed I saw real success when I began to ask myself the deeper questions and set realistic goals.

Here are 5 questions you should ask yourself to get the most out of this year and get closer to your truest and highest Self.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Help You Elevate in 2024

  1. How well does my current life align with my long-term vision and what adjustments can I make to ensure a more authentic and fulfilling journey in 2024?

  2. What desires or goals keep coming up for me that I continue to put off because I’m afraid of failing?

  3. What qualities, skills, and growth edges do I need to reach the next level in my life and align with my truest and highest Self?

  4. What mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual habits and practices could I implement in my daily life to help me live a healthier, intentional, and purposeful life?

  5. How could solo travel and stepping out of my comfort zone support me?

These questions are great writing prompts for your journaling time!


It’s not solely at the strike of a clock that changes occur. Growth and improvement happens when you can identify the who before the what. Then you put forth the effort and action behind your goals and intentions. Subscribe to yourself in 2024, not a catchy motto.

  • How could solo travel help support your personal growth in 2024? Tell me in the comments.

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5 Ways Journaling Impacts Your Life