Are you ready to face your limiting beliefs, build self-trust, and begin showing up as your true and authentic Self?

Over 10 years ago, I began my healing and spiritual journey and journaling became a way for me to release. There is an energy exerted when you put pen to paper that offers relief.

I have been writing since a young child. It became an outlet for me and a way to express my deepest thoughts and feelings. Poems and songs were my pieces of choice. They were moved by my creativity and the words I didn’t say out loud, oftentimes, because I didn’t feel safe.

From early on, I learned that I was misunderstood and considered problematic when I spoke up. At times met with aggression. I also had family members who shamed me into believing that what I said and who I was didn’t matter.

Imagine judging the purest form of a human being and person, who in essence, hasn’t begun living yet.

As a child, you don’t have authority over your life and are at the will of adults, so you develop coping mechanisms and learn tactics to survive with the effects lasting beyond childhood.

When we become adults and have sovereignty over our lives, it is up to us to implement ways to live authentically, healthily, and happily because we owe it to ourselves. To do that, however, means putting practices in place to excavate, remove the conditioning, unlearn the brainwashing, and ultimately heal.

Many of those family members and people in our life’s story haven’t changed. They continue to lack self-awareness, capacity, and emotional intelligence to begin to have a clue. Nevertheless, it is up to us to do the work because we deserve it. It wasn’t our fault, but we are the only ones who can turn it around.

These are 5 ways journaling has impacted my life and can do the same for you.

Here are 5 Ways that Journaling Can Impact Your Life

1. Validates Your Feelings

Not everyone has the capacity to hold a safe space for you. Even if isn’t intentional, speaking with loved ones may not give you the results you hope for and journaling becomes a way you can express your feelings without the validation, approval, or input of anyone else.

2. Brings Clarity and Self-Awareness

Journaling offers you the space to reflect, organize your thoughts, unveil hidden emotions, and provide a deeper understanding. Writing your thoughts and feelings down helps you process what you’re going through and clarifies what you’re experiencing allowing you to be more aware.

3. Relief

When you’re writing and ‘dumping’ your emotions onto your journal, you’re shifting that energy onto the page, releasing stress, and boosting your well-being. It can be therapeutic.

4. Documents Travels

Journaling allows you to document moments and experiences and it’s perfect to do while traveling. Keep your journal for years to come and it can be something that you reflect on, alone or with loved ones, and smile at the life you’ve lived. You were here.

5. Personal Growth

When you journal, you are able to see how far you’ve come and use it as a tool to evaluate yourself and take notice of the areas you still need to develop. It is excellent for observing yourself, setting goals, relishing in your accomplishments, and fortifying your personal growth journey.


I have created this powerful offering of 150 Personal Growth Journaling Prompts to begin deep-diving into your journey. It is divided into six sections and covers important areas to start facing limiting beliefs, build self-trust, and begin showing up as your true and authentic.

  • Tell me in the comments what you’re looking forward to the most by journaling.

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