Image by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Feelings of anxiety are normal when you are doing something new and don’t necessarily know what to expect. The same goes for the first time you solo travel.

Even if you have spent countless hours conducting research, making plans, and putting together an itinerary for execution, your feelings of excitement may be shared with apprehension.

It’s an added factor when you don’t have anyone to share those feelings with, you have family and friends making you second guess your decision, or you’re watching the news which rarely focuses on the positive occurrences but instead the most violent and salacious reporting.

The solution, however, is not not going.

Even after eight years of solo travel, when I head to explore something new I feel ‘nervxcited.’

I know the word, a combination of the two words nervous and excited, sounds silly. But when I first heard it uttered by singer, Tamar Braxton, it resonated with me because it’s exactly how I feel!

How do you overcome anxiety caused by solo travel?

  1. Research and plan accordingly. Being prepared mitigates the unknown factors of travel. Orient yourself with the location, make an itinerary, and book lodging, transportation, and excursions ahead of time to avoid feeling anxious about the big things. Pro tip: Always leave room for spontaneity ;) and understand there will be challenges and things that don’t go your way.

  2. Get good rest. When you are well-rested you think more clearly which reduces stress, allows you to make better decisions, and improves your mood. Avoid going into your travels groggy, irritable, or prone to sickness. You want to stay healthy and strong.

  3. Practice wellness. Prayer, meditation, breathwork, tapping, grounding, journaling, or taking a walk in nature are all habits and practices that bring peace, calm the nervous system, and relieve stress. They don’t require much but make a big impact. They can also be done from anywhere.

  4. Eat with nutritional value. Have you ever noticed when you eat certain foods you feel sluggish, easily bothered, or anxious? Studies show that eating processed meat, fried foods, refined sugars, and high-fat dairy products contributes to depression and anxiety. A diet rich in whole fibers, fruits, and vegetables keeps you balanced. Caffeine consumption may also induce panic attacks for some, so choose an alternative if this is you.

  5. Stay in contact with family and friends. Technology makes things easier throughout your travels. One way that it’s helpful is by staying connected with your loved ones back home by turning on the Find My Friends feature on your phone or by regularly keeping in touch. Another way is by sharing your itinerary with them so that someone outside of you knows your whereabouts. Pro tip: Downloading Whatsapp is convenient and has both an app and web version for messaging services.


Feelings of anxiety are normal when traveling alone, but finding healthy ways to circumvent those less-than-desirable emotions during such an exciting time can ensure you address them and also enjoy your travels.

Here​ is a powerful offering to begin facing limiting beliefs, building self-trust, and showing up as your true and authentic Self.

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